Our Sundance, Utah and Costa Rica Retreats are open for applications

Intuitive Wellness Retreats

Intuitive Wellness Retreats

WHat it’s all about

Welcome to Intuitive Wellness Retreats. During our retreats you will embark on a journey wherein you will have the opportunity to take a break from your day-to-day responsibilities, reflect on what needs both improvement and change within your own life, and devote the time needed to feel grounded, centered, and truly whole and content.

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Meet Jillian

Jillian founded Intuitive Wellness in October 2021. She is a Spiritual, Health and Wellness Coach, a breath-work facilitator, hosts monthly Women’s Groups and is a Retreat Facilitator. Jillian focuses on teaching her clients how to regulate their nervous systems, connect to their inner knowing, and to find their authenticity and inner peace while integrating nutrition and other wellness factors, to have balance and ease in the body, with combining mind, body, and soul practices. Jillian worked in sales and business development for 6 years, cultivating relationships, running trade shows, and participating in networking events. Jillian is married and is a mother to 6 children and lives near Salt Lake City, Utah. She loves hiking, yoga, gardening, paddle boarding, kayaking, snowboarding, being outdoors and participating in spiritual ceremonies. Jillian also loves having her 10 chickens, and growing and harvesting her own food as much as she can.


How It Works

Fill out application form

Once we’ve received all applications, we will email you and let you know if you have been accepted to attend the retreat.

Be patient while we review

We want to ensure that those that attend our retreats have similar mindsets and intentions that are all aligned to maximize the experience for all that attend.

Watch for an email

We read through every application and decide on who we can accept for each retreat. We truly want a curated group of people who can learn & grow from one another.

Should You Apply?

Our retreats are rooted in creating a meditation practice and learning all the tools needed to find that inner peace, that inner contentment, to be less reactive and respond out of love and understanding.

Sneak Peek

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