Our Sundance, Utah and Costa Rica Retreats are open for applications

Our Ethos
At Intuitive Wellness our goal is to help facilitate healing of the mind, the body and the soul, by learning how to connect to your intuition, which is your own personal compass through this human experience, and to connect to your body to know what it needs to be in optimal health.
8-week coaching program

Intuitive Wellness Coaching

Our coaching program guides you through 8 weeks of curriculum, instructional videos & personal coaching, which will give you the tools for healing, finding inner peace, experiencing wholeness and contentment, maintaining optimal physical health, creating spiritual connection and experiencing overall wellness.

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Stay Centered my Friends

Don’t want coaching, but you’re interested in our curriculum? Our 8 week course includes our written curriculum, as well as instructional videos, journaling prompts, and new practices to implement and integrate.
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This past week I attended a breath facilitator training. I learned so much incredible information, I breathed, I created so much energy in my body that it felt like electric pleasure surges pulsating through my body, I wept, and I felt love consciousness.

All from using my breath, which controls my nervous system, which in turn controls my experience.

The breath can be used as a vital daily tool to create the life you want.

To get out of anger or overwhelm, to energize you or give you strength, or to connect you to the magical and mystical that exists within your own body.

DM me “breath” if you’d like to learn more.

Stay centered my friends 🤍✌🏼

When I started doing a yoga practice 2-3 times a week is when I saw a massive shift in decreasing my stress levels, my ability to hold more capacity increased, and my ability to remain in a peaceful state increased.

Yoga helps facilitate opening the stuck energies in our body, resulting in a more authentic you, which means more contentment, peace and wholeness.

Start your yoga practice today.

Stay centered my friends 🤍✌🏻

Feeling our feelings can sometimes be very difficult and uncomfortable. It requires vulnerability, and a surrender to the unknown.

But when we DO allow ourselves to feel them, we fully feel them, and then the energy that IS the feeling, can then release out of our bodies, and we can come back to a neutral state.

When we do not feel our feelings, they will remain energetically stuck in our bodies, and then we will respond to present situations from these stored places, (the past) instead of responding to the present situation.

These can be called traumas, but are essentially stuck energy in the body.

We can help facilitate moving these energies through the body by:
- shaking
- dancing
- intense workouts
- crying
- screaming
- taking time alone

Put intention toward feeling your feelings instead of avoiding them. You will find yourself progressing emotionally and finding more inner contentment and peace.

Stay centered my friends 🤍✌🏻

For years I have felt a draw, a lure, a pull to the plants and trees. The more in tune and centered I got with myself, the more pull I felt to them.

Now that I understand energy, and how everything resides at a certain frequency, I now understand WHY I am drawn to Mother Earth.

Plants, trees, animals and the earth, reside at a much higher frequency than we are. So when we start to tune into our own frequency and become aware of it, we are magnetized to things that are at a higher frequency.

The higher the frequency, the better it feels in our bodies. The more joy, happiness and love we feel.

So naturally, when we are absorbed in our Mother Earth, we are tapping into her energy, which is of love, peace, wholeness, and bliss.

Go outside today. Hug a tree. Put your bare feet on the earth. Breathe her pure air. Let her energy tap into yours, and let yourself feel whole.

Let Mother Earth heal you.

Stay centered my friends 🤍✌🏻

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