Our Sundance, Utah and Costa Rica Retreats are open for applications

“After starting and experiencing my own unique healing process, helping others to know how to heal became my personal mantra and lifelong purpose.”

I started Intuitive Wellness after navigating through my own healing process, which first led me to learn about nutrition, which then led me to want to learn about psychology, which then led me to learning and experiencing spirituality. It was then that I felt I had learned and experienced the pivotal concepts towards a conscious,

thriving, beautiful and healthy life. Helping others became my personal mantra and lifelong purpose. I am now able to help others connect to their intuition, connect to their bodies, and find their true essence and being, which is where ultimate freedom, healing and bliss takes place.

our offering
1 8 week course
2 8 week course with coaching
3 One on one coaching
4 retreats